
Does rice cause constipation?

does rice cause constipation

Rice is a staple food in many parts of the world. However, it may affect digestion differently depending on the type and amount of rice consumed. Some people believe rice can cause constipation, while others think it can prevent or relieve it. The truth is that rice can do both, depending on its fiber content and how it is prepared.

Fiber is a carbohydrate not digested by the body but helps form and soften the stool, making it easier to pass through the colon. Foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can prevent or treat constipation by adding bulk and water to the stool. Foods that are low in fiber, such as meat, dairy products, and refined carbohydrates, can cause or worsen constipation by making the stool hard and dry.

Rice is a cereal grain that can be classified into different types based on its size, shape, color, and processing. The most common types of rice are white rice and brown rice. White rice has been milled to remove the husk, bran, and germ, which are the outer layers of the grain that contain most of the fiber and nutrients. Brown rice is rice that has only been husked, leaving the bran and germ intact. This makes brown rice more nutritious and higher in fiber than white rice.

Whether or not rice causes constipation depends on the type of rice you’re eating. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one cup of cooked white rice contains 0.6 grams of fiber, while one cup of cooked brown rice contains 3.5 grams of fiber. This means brown rice provides about six times more fiber than white rice. Therefore, eating brown rice can help prevent or relieve constipation, while eating white rice can cause or worsen it.

However, the effect of rice on constipation may also depend on how it is cooked and what it is eaten with. Cooking rice with more water can make it softer and more moist, which can help ease its passage through the digestive tract. Adding ghee, oil, or butter to rice can also increase its lubricating effect and prevent it from drying out. Eating rice with other foods high in fiber, such as vegetables, beans, or nuts, can also balance out its low fiber content and improve bowel movements.


rice can cause or prevent constipation depending on its type, amount, and preparation. White rice is low in fiber and can contribute to constipation, especially if eaten in large quantities or without enough fluids. Brown rice is high in fiber and can help prevent or treat constipation, especially if cooked with enough water and eaten with other fiber-rich foods. People who are prone to constipation should limit their intake of white rice and opt for brown rice instead. They should also drink plenty of water and exercise regularly to promote healthy digestion.

Remember: If you’re concerned about constipation, it’s always best to talk to your doctor. They can help you determine the cause of your constipation and recommend the best treatment options.

Mahdi Morshedi Yekta

Nothing fascinates me more than medical science, as it constantly challenges me to learn new things and improve my skills.

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