
Do Eggs Cause Constipation? 2024

Do Eggs Cause Constipation

When it comes to constipation, diet plays a crucial role. While high-fiber foods are often recommended to prevent or alleviate constipation, there’s some debate about the role of eggs. Let’s crack open the facts.

The Lowdown on Eggs and Digestion

Eggs are a staple in many diets, valued for their protein content and versatility. However, they are low in fiber, which is essential for bowel regularity. This has led to speculation that eggs could contribute to constipation, particularly in individuals with digestive issues.

The Verdict: Do Eggs Bind You Up?

The relationship between eggs and constipation isn’t straightforward. While eggs alone are unlikely to cause constipation, they can contribute if consumed in large quantities without sufficient fiber-rich foods. It’s all about balance.

For most people, eggs do not directly cause constipation. A study involving 2776 patients found no link between egg consumption and the development of constipation. However, for individuals with certain conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or allergies, eggs might exacerbate constipation symptoms.

Dietary Fiber: The Key to Regularity

To maintain digestive health and prevent constipation, consuming a balanced diet rich in fiber is important. This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. These foods add bulk to the stool and help it pass more easily through the intestines.

NOTE: It’s essential to consider individual differences and overall dietary patterns. While eggs alone are unlikely to cause constipation, increasing intake of high-fiber foods is generally recommended for better digestive health

Tips for Preventing Constipation

  1. Hydrate: Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  2. Fiber Up: Include a variety of high-fiber foods in your meals.
  3. Stay Active: Regular physical activity can help stimulate digestion.
  4. Mindful Eating: Pair eggs with fiber-rich foods to balance your meal.


Eggs are not the enemy of your digestive tract, but they shouldn’t be the sole focus of your diet either. For those without specific dietary restrictions, eggs can be part of a healthy, constipation-preventing diet when paired with plenty of fiber-rich foods. As always, consult with a healthcare provider or dietitian before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have digestive health concerns.


  1. 7 foods that can help you poop and relieve constipation (MNT)
  2. List of foods that can cause constipation and how to prevent it (MNT)
  3. 12 Foods That Cause Constipation (


Mahdi Morshedi Yekta

Nothing fascinates me more than medical science, as it constantly challenges me to learn new things and improve my skills.

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